6.9.2025 – Czech Republic, Kadov u Blatné, Jezdecký areál ZOFI, Nuclear Intervention Fest. Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1238929567302439
Past gigs:
8.6.24 – Turku, Bar Nirvana (Methane, Sgt Slime, Rötgut)
7.6.24 – Helsinki, Playhouse Bar (Methane, Sgt Slime, Terror Shark)
4.5.24 – Latvia, Liepaja, Fontaine Palace (w/ Black Royal, Re-Armed)
3.5.24 – Estonia, Tallinn, Barbar (w/ Black Royal, Re-Armed)
2.5.24 – Latvia, Riga, Depo (w/ Black Royal)
18.11.23 – Poland, Krakow, PUB Pod Ziemią (w/ Treasondom, Slütstation)
17.11.23 – Slovakia, Podrad, ROCK Fabric, Popradsky Kafest (w/ Acid Force, Vendeta, Bajonet, Old Hämmer, Destroy!)
27.10.23 – Seinäjoki, Bar 15 Basement
21.10.23 – Tampere, Maanalainen (w/ Barrel, Crimson Day)
30.9.23 – Sweden, Järfälla, Fredagsmangel (w/ Methane, Sgt Slime)
23.9.23 – Tampere, Varjobaari (w/ Methane, Sgt Slime)
22.9.23 – Helsinki, Lepakkomies (w/ Methane, Sgt Slime)
28.5.23 – Lithuania, Kaunas, Lemmy Club (w/ Rusted Brain, Stormgrey)
27.5.23 – Poland, Olsztyn, LAS Club (w/ Rusted Brain, Stormgrey)
26.5.23 – Poland, Lublin, Rider´s Pub (w/ Rusted Brain, Stormgrey)
25.5.23 – Poland, Warsaw, Voodoo Club (w/ Rusted Brain, Stormgrey)
18.3.23 – Slovakia, Prievidza, Club Matrix in Kanianka (w/ Performed, Dissensy, Knightmare)
17.3.23 – Czech Republic, Vsetín, Vesmír (w/ Walthraka, Unrest)
24.2.23 – Hämeenlinna, Suisto: Speed & Thrash Attack (w/ Prestige, Dethrone)
12.11.22 – Seinäjoki, Bar 15
19.10.22 – Helsinki, Bar Loose (w/ Ratbreed, Nightstryke)
27.8.22 – Lapua, Vanhan Paukun Venetsialaiset
26.8.22 – Helsinki, Lepakkomies (w/ Prestige, Sgt Slime)
13.8.2022 – Tampere, Pakkahuone, Speed Metal Party 2022 (w/ Whiplash, Dethrone etc)
1.7.2022 – Czech Republic,Topolná, SYMBOLIC OPEN AIR 2022 (w/ Candlemass, Master, Sinister, Wombbath, Convulse etc)
27.5.2022 – Estonia, Tallinn, Barbar. PLÄKK Vol. 1 (w/ Sold, Redneck Rampage, Desert Queen)
20.5.2022 – Turku, Utopia. Metallihelvetti: Rauta-klubi vol. 4 (w/ The Hirvi, Sgt. Slime)
17.09.2021 – Vantaa, Bar Rock Bear (w/ Damage SFP, Kathrash) ALBUM RELEASE PARTYYYY!!!
23.01.2020 – Helsinki, Semifinal (w/ Grave Siesta)
16.06.2019 – DE Osnabrück, Bastard Club (w/ Nunslaughter, Disparaged, Inferia)
15.06.2019 – DE Wermelskirchen, AJZ Bahndamm (w/ Nunslaughter, Disparaged, Inferia )
14.06.2019 – AT Landeck, Altes Kino (w/ Nunslaughter, Disparaged, Inferia )
13.06.2019 – IT Parma, Mu Club (w/ Nunslaughter, Disparaged, Inferia )
12.06.2019 – SL Ljubljana, Channel Zero (w/ Nunslaughter, Disparaged, Inferia )
11.06.2019 – SK Banska Bystrica, Tartaros Club (w/ Nunslaughter, Disparaged, Inferia )
10.06.2019 – CZ Ostrava, Barrak (w/ Nunslaughter, Disparaged, Inferia )
09.06.2019 – CZ Prague, Modra Vopice (w/ Nunslaughter, Disparaged, Inferia )
26.04.2019 FI Helsinki, Elmun baari, (w/ Ratbreed, AOM )
30.03.2019 Seinäjoki, Bar15
11.08.2018 Finland, Selviytyjät Private MetalFest
30.06.2018 Helsinki, Lepakkomies, Disentertainment Club (w/ Caught in the Between, Cause for Effect, Angel Sword)
30.12.2017 Vantaa, Bar Bear
15.09.2017 Helsinki, Nosturi, Metal-Massacre (w/ A.R.G. The Hirvi etc)
13.04.2017 Estonia, Tallinn, Rock Bar (w/ Hautajaisyö, Rattler, Caught in the Between)
08.04.2017 Helsinki, Ravintola Cactus (w/ MORA , Rue Morgue)
07.01.2017 Russia, St. Petersburg, Stoker Bar
22.10.2016 Helsinki, Bar Loose, (w/ Re-Armed, Intact)
24.09. 2016 Seinäjoki, Bar15
23.09. 2016 Jyväskylä, Katse, (w/ A.R.G, Re-Armed)
07.05.2016 Tallinna, Pikne bar, (w/ Cannibal Accident, AIM)
06.05.2016 Helsinki, Bar Loose, (w/ Methane, Cryonic Temple )
30.01.2016 Vantaa, Bar-Rock-Bear
26.9.2015 Tallinn (Estonia), RockClub Tapper (w/ Wyrm Sub Terra)
25.9.2015 Helsinki, Bar Loose, (w/ Carnalation, Unborn Generation)
31.1.2015 Germany, Munchen, Rulps, Thrash Inferno 15 (w/ Shredhammer, Slaughtered Existence, Bitchhammer)
17.01.2015 Pietarsaari, Hogan’s Music Bar
16.01.2015 Oulu, Nuclear NightClub, with Torture Pulse
06.11.2014 Yo-Talo, Tampere (w/ Ruinside, Masterstroke)
02.08.2014 Finland, Selviytyjät Private MetalFest
01.08.2014 Lahti, Torvi – Inferia 25 vuotta party with Inferia, Cannibal Accident, Vermivore, Cause for Effect, Pressure Points
24.05. 2014 Seinäjoki, Bar15
22.5.2014 Lahti, Torvi, (w/ Skirmish, Corpset)
19.03.2014 Helsinki, Nosturi with Toxic Holocaust, Exhumed, Cantilena
14.03.2014 Helsinki, Prkl Club, Kuritushuone XXVI with God Disease & XIII
29.11.2013 Turku, Klubi with Mokoma
24.02.2012 Helsinki, Kuritushuone, PRKL Club
16.12.2011 Helsinki, Bar Bäkkäri with Saatanan Marionetit, Gloomy Grim and Barathrum
26.11.2011 Helsinki, Lepakkomies with Refusal, Azaghal and Spirit Disease
25.11.2011 Helsinki, Private show; PRKL Club
19.11.2011 Lappeenranta, Lucky Monkeys with Skirmish
08.10.2011 Helsinki, Nosturi with Exodus
08.09.2011 Helsinki, DOM with Damngod
20.05.2011 Helsinki, PRKL with Axegressor, Malicious Death
29.04.2011 Tampere,Vastavirta with Corpset, Mors Subita, Atretic Intestine
01.04.2011 Seinäjoki, Bar 15
25.3.2011 Helsinki, Lepakkomies with Final Assault, My Funeral
07.01.2011 Helsinki, Gloria – Ruttoklubi (poster)
10.12.2010 Helsinki, Private party
26.11.2010 Jyväskylä, Pub Katse, with My Funeral
30.10.2010 Kouvola, Rytmikatti, with Deathchain, Inferia
29.10.2010 Tampere, Yo-talo, with Deathchain, Inferia
18.09.2010 Helsinki, Lepakkomies, with Refusal, Thrashgrinder
10.09.2010 Estonia, Tallinn, Rockclub Tapper, with Cantilena, Nitrous, Cryptica
5.06.2010 Seinäjoki, Bar 15
29.05.2010 Lappeenranta, Lucky Monkeys (Malicous Death, Lähete M1 )
22.05.2010 Helsinki, Corner ( Spirit Disease, Nowen)
07.05.2010 Kokkola, The Rock Pub (Schmorf)
01.05.2010 Turku, Klubi (Before The Dawn, Sinister Creation)
10.10.2009 Helsinki, Darkside Club , With Refusal and Tuho
25.09.2009 Bilnäs (Karjaa), Verstas-klubi, with Malicious Death and The Drowning
08.05.2009 Helsinki, Dante’s Highlight, with Sacred Crucifix
28.02.2009 Turku, TVO , with The Sickening (NOR) and Tuho
25.02.2009 Helsinki, Darkside Club , with The Sickening (NOR) and Inferia
21.01.2009 Helsinki, Disentertainment Club,: Corner with Cause Of Death
29.11.2008 Riihimäki, Escape, With Refusal
08.03.2008 Turku, Dante’s Corner, with Must Missa (Est), Hellbox and Fierce
07.03.2008 Helsinki, Lepakkomies, with Must Missa (Est), Hellbox and Fierce
01.12.2007 Riihimäki, Kellari – Metal Over Riihimäki, With Kiana
08.11.2007 Helsinki, Lepakkomies, With Forca Macabra
24.03.2007 Helsinki, Ravintola Kantis, with Tuho
23.03.2007 Espoo, Mcmökä happening in smökki, with Kauna
06.03.2006 Helsinki, On The Rocks, with Malicious Death
19.01.2006 Tampere, Vastavirta-klubi, with Diamanthia (uk), Maple Cross
19.11.2005 Mietaa (Kurikka), Mietaan Ns, with Viikate
18.11.2005 Seinäjoki, Bar 15,
06.10.2005 Helsinki, Hevimesta, with Smoking Barracudas
03.10.2005 Helsinki, On The Rocks, with HateFrame
29.09.2005 Helsinki, Bar Arabianranta, with Witheria, Sten
26.02.2005 Helsinki, Nosturi, with Northern Discipline, Codeon
27.01.2005 Helsinki, Factory, with Witheria
14.01.2005 Helsinki, Wäiski in Diabolus On Vinyl-club with Finthor
30.12.2004 Helsinki, Stella Star, with Dope Tribe Devils